Steam Tug Lyttelton

Built in Scotland in 1906.  After a 14 week voyage it arrived in Lyttelton in 1907.

The tug worked the harbour until 1970.

From 1973 to present it operates as a passenger vessel run by dedicated volunteers.

Throughout the summer season usually from Christmas to April or May, the Society operates a Sunday afternoon harbour cruise to the Lyttelton Heads.  The vessel departs from No. 2 Wharf at 2.30 and returns to her berth at 4.00pm.  During the cruise passengers are able to view the workings of a steam ship that is over 100 years old.  Along with visiting the bays with historical significance in Lyttelton Harbour. 

Bookings are essential, as most Sundays we sell out..  Parking is on the streets in Lyttelton or come on the Number 8 bus.  Number 8 Bus Timetable

Please allow plenty of time, any tickets that have not been pre-booked are available one hour before sailing.  Gift vouchers are also available

Available for functions and private charters.  Contact through the website for further details. 

Memberships are available to the Tug Lyttelton Preservation Society.

Steam Tug Lyttelton

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