St Joseph's Catholic Church

Originally registered as a Category II historic place (#1819) Built-in 1865, St Joseph’s was the oldest stone Roman Catholic church in the South Island.
The church was important to the many Irish settlers who came to New Zealand and settled in Lyttelton, escaping the potato famine that struck Ireland between 1845 and 1849.
Unfortunately, the beautiful stone church also fell victim to the 2011 earthquake, like many other significant historic buildings in the region and the gate and steps are all that remain.
If you look at the hill to your right you will see the Catholic and Presbyterian Cemetery.
More information can be found in the website link on this page.
The nearest place for catholic worship is just through the tunnel:
St Anne's Church (Woolston)
739 Ferry Road
Christchurch 8023
Phone: 03 384 1600
Parish Priest: Rev Peter Costello,
Assistant Priest: Rev Paulo Filoialii
Mass Times
Saturday: 6.00pm (Vigil)
Sunday: 10:30am
12.30pm (Samoan Mass, 1st Sunday of the month)
3.30pm (Tongan Mass, 1st Sunday of the month)
3:30pm (Filipino Mass, 4th Sunday of the month)
Tuesday: 9.15am
Wednesday: 9:15am
Thursday: 9.15am
Friday: 12:00pm
Friday 11:15am - 11:45am,
Saturday 11.30am -12noon,
Saturday 5.15pm - 5.45pm
Friday 11.00am - 11.45am