B) Historic police station

Historic police station - November 2009
Present day image of historic police station
Photo of historic police station cells that remain on site
Photo of historic police station cells that remain

B) Historic police station

Our walk takes you uphill briefly then right onto Sumner Road where you will see the current portacoms of Lyttelton’s Police Station. The historic police station (pictured) took two years to build and was officially opened in 1882.

Unfortunately, the station was damaged during the 2010/11 earthquakes and had to be demolished. Several articles of historical interest were salvaged from the building and some of the original cell blocks, which date back to the 1920s, can still be seen .

At the time of closure (2011), the station was considered the oldest purpose-built actively used police station in the whole country having served the community for almost 130 years.

Go to the next Site Historic Library and Firestation
